Our staff are noted below. We are currently looking for a Lead Pastor as noted below.

Lead Pastor Job Posting

  Christ Community Church of Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada is currently looking for Lead Pastor. We are prayerfully seeking a compassionate, caring lead pastor who is effective in working with people of all ages. Is gifted in preaching, teaching the Word and has  leadership skills to manage the day to day operations of a Church. 

  Nanaimo is a city of 110,000 people nestled between the mountains and the ocean on the east coast on Vancouver Island. It continues to grow at a much faster rate than most places in Canada because of its climate as well as it is a diverse city in regards to the job market. 

  Christ Community Church is part of the Christian Reformed Church of North America. For further details, or to send resumes and cover letters, you can email our Chair of Council at rickb@cccnanaimo.com. Or via regular mail at Christ Community Church, 2221 Bowen Road, Nanaimo B.C. V9S 5J3 (Canada). Attention Chair of Council.

Administrative Assistant and Data Entry Clerk. Tammy Dick has Joined our team as adminisrative assistant and data entry clerk. As well we have Jane Heins as our Data entry clerk. Photo coming soon!

  • Murray Hough


    Murray moved to Nanaimo in 1992 and has been on staff since 2003. 

    Murray moved to Nanaimo in 1992 and has been on staff since 2003. He is known for his tennis background and shiny, clean floor! Murray taught tennis as a teaching profession in Florida for 15+ years and on Vancouver Island for 25. He is an avid golfer as well. 

Our Council

And what does the lord require of you but to do justice, AND TO LOVE KINDNESS, AND TO WALK HUMBLY WITH YOUR GOD? ~Micah 6:8

Keep watch over yourselves and over all the flock, of which the Holy Spirit has made you overseers, to shepherd the church of god that He obtained with the blood of His own son. ~Acts 20:28

Our elders oversee the doctrine and life of our church community; they provide counsel and care, participate in and promote evangelism, and defend the faith. As shepherds of the church, our elders encourage and support members in their Christian life. 

Our deacons represent and administer the mercy of Christ to all people. They lead our church community in being faithful stewards of our time, talents, and resources.  

  • Rick - Elder

    Chair/clerk of council

    John is 63 years old and has been married to his wife for 42 years. They have three grown boys. He was born and raised in the Christian Reformed Church and is in his third term as a deacon at CCC. He is passionate about missions and youth, and his gifts are service, mercy and discernment.

  • Dave - Elder

    Building/Property Maintenance

    Sue came to the Island from Winnipeg for "2 year" in 1980! She is a semi-retired physiotherapist. Sue and her husband have raised 3 children and welcomed their 1st grandchild into their family this year! She is a great appreciator of God's created world and loves spending time outdoors. Growing in Christ is a life-long journey that she's been on now for 30 years!

  • Sandy - elder

    Pastoral care and Safe Church programs

    Briar's family moved here form Northern Alberta in 2012 and started their membership with CCC soon after that. Her husband Ben and her enjoy all things outside and have now developed a Vancouver Island love of mountain biking. They have three girls, Ava 12, Lily 10, and Estelle 6, all of whom keep them busy. When she is not parenting, she is a full time occupational therapist pursuing her love of helping her clients maintain function during life changes. 

  • Ernie - elder

    Finance/Church systems Analysis

    Shirley was born and raised in Saskatoon. She is married to Ron and they have 2 adult children, Sara and Mark, and two grandchildren, Dylan and Saariana. They have been involved with CCC since the 2nd service 38 years ago.

  • Will - elder

    Human Resources  and Pastoral care

    Arlene and her family have attended CCC since 2004 when they moved here from northern BC. This has truly been their home church where they belong and where they have grown in the fellowship of followers of Jesus. Her husband, Rick, and her are empty nesters, sort or, and enjoy travelling and exploring both at home and abroad.

  • John


    Phil moved to Nanaimo in 2005 and met his now wife, Amanda, shortly after. They started attending CCC in 2006 after going through the Alpha course at CCC. They now have twin six year old girls Anora and Arianne. Phil is a civil engineer at the City of Nanaimo. Phil has found a way to combine his passions for engineering, traveling, and serving through volunteering with Engineering Ministries International where he has completed projects in Egypt and Haiti.

  • Heather


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